Intergenerational Church At Albany

From his first day as the new minister in 2023, Pr. David de Klerk said his dream for Albany was to have a family atmosphere in the church where he would be happy to raise his children. Since then, there have been a variety of events that have fostered just such an atmosphere. Seven deaconesses were ordained, including two mother-daughter pairs. The worship service usually includes a children’s segment and young ones sometimes help lead worship.

When Ken Willis celebrated a special birthday he was joined by his father David and son Carl to sing “Jesus Loves Me”. On another occasion Pr. Roger Millist conducted the dedication of young Cooper Willis at Middleton beach, witnessed by family and friends who were invited to highlight their favorite text in the Bible purchased for Cooper’s special day.

In September, over 60 adults and children gathered for a Father’s Day breakfast, ably prepared by Kevin Gould and team. This was followed by a café style Sabbath School in the hall where the pastor was joined by children and youth to sing choruses and children read fun facts about how fathers in the animal kingdom care for their young. Jessica Gould had previously asked the children questions about their fathers such as,“How does Dad help your family?” and “In what way is your father like God?” and their answers – some humorous, others profound were shared with the group. During the service that day fathers were invited to join their children up the front for a special dedicatory prayer.

Kid’s Church was initiated by Jodie Rozendaal three years ago with help from Sarah-Jane Plewright and continues to be enjoyed by the children once a month with songs, Bible stories, craft activities and snacks with assistance from the youth.

Also this year members enjoyed a weekend of training by ADRA representatives, Francis from Perth and Kelli-Jo from Sydney. We were encouraged to put forward ideas and examine our capacity to help respond in an emergency.

Recently twenty or more (aged three months to 80+!) gathered seven nights in a row for a week of prayer with a difference – games, crafts and Bible insights concluding with a Friday night communion meal. This was enjoyed so much it is sure to be added to the calendar for next year.

May the Holy Spirit continue to inspire the atmosphere in Albany church where young and old are nurtured together as the family of God.


Norseman Training
