Sabbath School Sabbath

Valuing important things in life often means creating time for them, just as many of us do with people we love. In this spirit, I’ve been passionate about highlighting the value of Sabbath School. This led to the creation of Sabbath School Sabbath, a standout event this year, held on 23rd September. We were delighted to have Pr. Lyndell Peterson, the director of the Sabbath School department from the Australian Union Conference in Melbourne, join us for the day.

This inaugural event in the WA Conference calendar was the first of its kind in Australia, focusing on the importance of Sabbath School. Our goal is to maintain this momentum, underscoring Sabbath School’s role as a key discipleship tool in our local churches.

The day was split into two sessions. The morning allowed each local church to creatively celebrate Sabbath School in their own way, from discussing its history to sharing personal stories and testimonies of its impact on faith.

The afternoon featured a hybrid event at the Conference office in Welshpool. Lyndelle provided practical training on preparing and facilitating engaging discussions during small group Sabbath School sessions.

A special thanks to churches like Manjimup, who delved into Sabbath School’s history and had children share their experiences, and to North Perth for hosting Lyndell the morning.

Looking ahead to next year, we aim to build on this success. We’ve set 12 October for the next Sabbath School Sabbath.

Pr Obed Soire

Sabbath School & Natural Church Development leader in our Discipleship Ministries Team at our Head Office in Welshpool, WA. Obed is also Pastor at our North Perth Seventh-day Adventist Church.


Heather Stewart Johnson, the ADRA Cannington Community Garden Matriarch, Retires


North Perth Church Camp