Meet Our New Dynamic Duo

Steve Cowley

Director of Adventist Education

Seventh-day Adventist Schools (Western Australia) Ltd and Seventh-day Adventist Schools (South Australia) Ltd have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to share the services and expertise of the South Australian Director of Education, Steve Cowley.

This arrangement commenced on 1st March 2023, with the allocation of his time being 60% towards SA and 40% focused upon WA. With a schedule of ongoing reviews, the MoU of educational services will continue through to the end of 2025.

Steve has been the Education Director in South Australia since the beginning of 2019. Prior to that, he most recently worked in the South Queensland Conference for 16 years as a Principal (Darling Downs Christian School, Toowoomba), Academic Dean (Brisbane Adventist College) and Project Officer (South Queensland Conference).

He has been married to Victoria for 11 years and between them they have 6 children and 6 grandchildren. Every four weeks, Steve travels to Perth to work out of the head office, spending time in each of the schools with school leaders and attending the Board of Directors meetings.

We ask that you bless this undertaking with your prayers and support this partnership as we work together to further Adventist education in Australia.

Mark Foster

Associate Director of Education

It has been wonderful to serve as an educator and school leader for the past 15 years in our Adventist schools. It brings me great joy to be able to serve our staff, students and their families as the Associate Director of Education for Western Australia.

We count it a privilege to nurture, guide, teach, and inspire all those in our care, and to reflect Christ's love to all. Our schools are a place where we can reveal Jesus each day to our students. It is our prayer that students will flourish, thrive and develop a relationship with Christ.

Our school leaders and staff work hard to create quality learning environments for all students. There is so much to be grateful for and our schools have been blessed over the years with amazing staff, wonderful students, new facilities, and many answers to prayer.

As we continue to educate and inspire the younger generations, keep our schools and staff in your prayers as we carry on being the hands and feet of Jesus.


New Pastors 2023 (Part 2)


Teen Shed: Boldly Devoted